The SWIR-320DE3 camera is a short wave infrared camera. The spectrum response is from 900 to 1700 nm. It can be used for many applications. such as Si wafer inspection, Solar cell evaluation and so on […]
作者: 娜莎 陳
陳昀,帳號已封存Connector for external Laser Range Finder communications Internal Battery charger High resolution OLED Binocular Display. Specifications: Uncooled VOx Microbolometer High Resolution: 640×512 pixels FO […]
Condor VII is a Miniature LRF module for integration into sensing, surveillance, tracking & weapons stations, and thermal imaging cameras & gimbals; for land, sea or airborne applicatio […]
The Condor III-A is an advance Hand-Held target locator that can accurately identify enemy position and locations during the day or at night (option). The Condor III-A combines a class I eyesafe laser […]
HAWKEYE-III Compact FOS (Forward Observation System) is a compact system developed to provide forward observers with battlefield surveillance, target acquisition, reports of the enemy and shooting obs […]
ST-EOS-01 Sensor System Multi-sensor(IR, CCTV, LRF) mountable system for stand-alone or integration with surveillance, tracking & weapons stations ; Rugged, sealed and shield enclosure. Fea […]
The SLX HAWK camera uses the standard definition television (SDTV) resolution Hawk MCT detector array. This high performance detector is coupled with our latest generation of advanced image processing […]
The HDR-IR infrared cameras cover extended scene temperature ranges. These cameras maximize camera sensitivity for any static or dynamic scene. With their unique AEC+ (fast ND-Swap capability), these […]
The Hyper-Cam is an advanced infrared hyperspectral imaging system. This remote sensing instrument combines high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution providing unmatched performances. It is a ver […]
The MS-IR infrared camera allows the scene to be split into eight different spectral bands rather than only one broadband image, thus enabling spectral signature analysis. The filter wheel is a fast-r […]